School kids eyes and vision
It happened again today. So many times I have seen elementary school age children that are struggling in school, perhaps labeled dyslexic or ADHD, and the only problem is they are far-sighted (hyperopic) and need glasses to help focus. Sometimes they have been checked by the school nurse and passed the screenings they perform or some even have been seen by a “quickie” eye doctor at a Bigmart store and the parents have been told the child doesn’t need glasses.
Many far-sighted people can see at far and near distances clearly but they have to work harder to do it. That’s why they may read 20/20 on the eye chart and not appear to need glasses at first glance. The child can make vision clear for awhile until the eye muscles fatigue and then the letters on the page blur or move around. It’s hard to concentrate when your vision is in and out of focus. Many kids avoid near work because it’s uncomfortable to continue doing this and usually they are the ones that end up talking and getting in trouble with the teacher for not paying attention to their work.
It should be assumed, until proven otherwise by a reputable eye doctor, that a child with a learning disability or doing poorly in school has a vision problem. Your eye doctor should be able to say with 100% confidence through specific tests, that the child is absolutely not farsighted when they don’t appear to need glasses. Only then should the child be considered for a visual perception problem or dyslexia diagnosis.
Please, please, parents….if your child is struggling in school with their grades, especially if they have headaches later in the day after using their eyes, have them examined by a reputable eye doctor that can ensure you that your child is not far-sighted (or have other hidden vision disorders for that matter.)
Courtesy of Dumas Vision Source, PLLC and Dr Tory W. Moore, Optometric Glaucoma Specialist. Serving the Dumas, Texas, Moore County and upper Texas Panhandle area for 21 years. Call (806) 935-2020 for appointment or visit our optical gallery without an appointment. Connect on Twitter @eyedocdumas27 and like our Facebook business page: Dumas Vision Source You also can visit our website for more information. Tory Moore, OD – “A Hometown Eye Doctor You Know and Can Trust!”